You Just Don't Give it Away for Nothin'

you gots to lego (via formatmag, courtesy of CBRAP)
How the bleep are you?
Once again, I actually have a quasi-events calendar. And, lucky you, my DJ gigs are all free!
Saturday, December 13, 7pm
Brick Real Estate holiday party*
93 Atlantic Avenue (bt. Hicks & Henry)
Brooklyn 11201 (map here)
RSVP on Facebook here
* - Yes, it's a party at a realtor's office. I'll be non-dj dj'g this party: meaning, I'll just be selecting songs from a laptop, so no real mixing. It is meant to be a low-key affair, so please stop by to enjoy some good choons and meet some nice ppl.
Thursday, December 18, 10pm
Cheryl, the dance party that will ruin your life, returns for its latest installment, "Arctic Fury"
506 5th Avenue (bt. 12th & 13th St.)
Brooklyn 11215 (map here)
RSVP on Facebook here
And, yes, there is an "Arctic Fury" video:
Lastly, I'd like to tell you about an event I am co-organizing. It is for PopRally, which is MoMA/P.S.1's young audiences initiative. This month, the focus is on P.S.1's NeoHooDoo exhibition (a broad, yet stimulating show dealing with spirituality in contempo art). Bridging the connection is one of NY's brightest bands Burnt Sugar (Greg Tate, longtime Village Voice writer and author of the seminal music/pop culture journalism anthology Flyboy in the Buttermilk, leads this rock improv group). All this, plus beer and a beautiful print by local artist Susanne Cerha is included in the price of admission.
Huh, you say? What all this means: pay 10 bucks, drink some free beer, see some cool art, hear some fusion rock-jazz-type music, and go home with a cool poster.
Tuesday, December 16, 7-10pm
PopRally: NeoHooDoo & Burnt Sugar
22-25 Jackson Ave (at 46th Ave)
Long Island City 11101
$10 advance/$12 at the door
more info & tix here